Hey! I've been absent over the weekend doing all sorts of things like cleaning and getting the car brakes fixed...it was so much fun! lol. Anyways, I was placed in a tresury on etsy. If you want to see click here:
http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=13208. Be sure to check out all the artists featured. The treasury I'm in was made by
jrdnart and it's called UNKNOWN ETSY ARTISTSTWICE. It looks a little like this-->

Oh yeah, see if you can find me. :>)
If you didn't know, the Treasury on etsy allows sellers and buyers to create a list of favorite items (made by others) to be shown. Once made it is shared with anyone who finds them. If a list reaches a magic viewed number or clicked on number it will hit the front page of etsy. The list itself only last 1-3 days.
(This list ends on Tuesday!)
So, click on people, click on. lol.
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